Successful BioBIGG kick-off meeting at Roskilde University

The BioBIGG kick-off meeting took place on the 13th of September at Roskilde University with delegates from all 6 partner organisations. Besides planning upcoming project events and activities there was also time for fruitful discussions and knowledge sharing about opportunities for biomass utilisation in the participating regions and principles that should be part of a common framework for a sustainable bioeconomy in the South Baltic Area.

Launch of the BioBIGG project

During the next 3 years the BioBIGG project will be working on mobilising innovation efforts and business opportunities for SMEs based on unutilised biomass-materials found along agro-industrial value chains in the South Baltic Area. The project is funded by the Interreg South Baltic programme.

The partners in the project are:

Furthermore, approximately 25 associated partners are presently taking part in the BioBIGG project network.